Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

+961 70 210 050

Qasqas street

Hourch, Beirut, Lebanon

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Psychological Support Activities Plays Key Role after Beirut’s Port Explosion

The deadly explosion that ripped through Beirut’s port, on August 4 left many psychological repercussions on children’s mental health. The three year old Mahmoud witnessed the wall of his bedroom collapse while the glass shattered all over his bed at the moment of the explosion. Mahmoud lives in small house in Karantina among two families of eight individuals in the same house. Fortunately he was in the lobby and didn’t get...

PARD’s Mobile Clinic in the South

PARD’s Mobile clinic roams through seven settlements in southern Lebanon, visiting each one three times a week. The Settlements are Al Qassimeyyeh, Sikkeh, Kfarbadda, Wasta, Shabriha, Jal Al Bahr and Al Maashouk. Our mobile clinic, supported by Solidaridad Internacional, settles at more than one stop in each area, informing beneficiaries beforehand on the clinic’s daily schedule in each area, making  sure that most vulnerable communities are benefiting from services provided. Our mobile...