Monday - Friday 08:00 - 16:00

Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

+961 70 210 050

Qasqas street

Hourch, Beirut, Lebanon

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Areas of focus (Entities)

disaster management, preparedness, planning, disaster relief, recovery, food and nutrition, preventions, disability, water and sanitation, hygiene, shelter, non-food items, clothing, rescue, education, economic recovery, healthcare, training, participation, coping mechanisms, etc.

After participating in the mammography and Pap smear examination campaign, I discovered that I have a problem and I was treated, and I have the Popular Aid for Relief and Development to thank for that.

- Nijmi Chemali , A beneficiary in Bourghliyye gathering in the south

I’m thankful for the Popular Aid for Relief and Development for the services it provides in the Sikkeh gathering, including a women's clinic, mammography tests, and Pap smear examination, in addition to medical guidance.

- Sabrin Al Bakir , A beneficiary in Sikkeh gathering in the south

I thank the Popular Aid for Relief and Development, it’s an organization that is feeling people’s suffering, and providing services of high importance. Every family needs the items found in the food kits distributed by PARD

- Renee Brayteh , A beneficiary in Naba’a area in Beirut

Palestinian refugees, Syrian displaced families, poor Lebanese.


All age groups


24 and above


from 7 -18 years old

PARD logo
Emergency Relief

Program Activities

Emergency Relief
